My Journey To Amal Academy

Shifa Ellah
3 min readOct 8, 2020

This is the world of believers and strugglers. If you believe in yourself then you can do anything that you want. I learned this lesson from the adorable family, whose name is Amal Academy. As the Quran says,

“The man can have nothing but what he strives for. (Al-Najm)”

The last three months are the best period of my life. There are many reasons behind this like; I have been spending a lot of time with my parents, getting an opportunity to be a part of Amal Academy, and listening to my favorite book ‘The Forty Rules Of Love’. All these things made my life so smooth and peaceful. Therefore, I want to thank all of them from the bottom of my heart. But I am writing this blog only to thank the Amal Academy.

This photo was captured when I was submitting my updated resume.

I have been learning a lot of new experiences about my personal and professional life from this amazing family, like how to manage time, how to solve problems, how to focus on your career or future goals, how to think positively, how to build your mind-set, what are the techniques that help you to become a life-long learner and how to present yourself in the front of others. Also, there are many other things that I learned from it.

The most favorite part of the fellowship was a career counseling session that I attended with Ma’am Ayesha Amin. I know that it was only thirty minutes but this time was so precious to me. Ma’am Ayesha gave me a lot of suggestions about my future goals like; how to write the personal statement and when you should write it, what are the criteria that I should follow. At the end of the session, Ma’am said to me, “Shifa, one day you will call me and tell me that you are going to the United States through UGRAD (Global Undergraduate Program)”. After listening to those words, I was shocked because Ma’am was talking about my dream. After the session, I promised to myself that Insha Allah, I will go there and will come true to my dream.

As Iqbal says;

The whole fellowship has totally changed my life. My whole family, friends, and cousins can feel the change in me. Also, I can see how different my thoughts are from the past. Now, I see the world from a different angle because I can think out of the box. I feel that I can fly in the sky with freedom. I can struggle to fulfill my dreams. Before the fellowship, I wasted my precious time by spending time on Social Media but now, I utilize my time in productive work like making posture, listening to books, and learning new things.

The day of Group Assessment

