Journey of a girl from slum area to university

Shifa Ellah
2 min readAug 14, 2020

I saw poor education system in my village. There was no concept of doing studies specially for girls. I felt bad for them. I decided to help them for getting education. I will tell them the importance of education and give some opportunities e.g. a piece of land where they will start their study, provide free books, safe, comfortable environment and teach them.

I will to go to homes and discuss this big issue to the family members of the girls. I will request them go to your girls to schools rather than fields. At the start, I will have few students but when other people see the safe environment. Then our strength will increase day by day.

At initial stage, I will teach them totally free. As the time passes, I will charge a little fee to students e.g. I will charge only 50 R.S per student. We will have good strength as times passes. Then I will charge to only those people who can afford. I will give small scholarship to poor girls. Then further, I will increase my business and develop other campus and branches of my school. When I will have those students who are rich, I will take a fee and do not give scholarship. And the end, I will send poor girls to university and help them for scholarship. Then, in this way they will also call as educated and independent girls.

The advantages are the rate of illiteracy will overcome in Pakistan. Girls from slum areas will start education. One after the other, girls will confident and strong. Girls will able to raise their voices for their rights.

