Eat that Frog with a Pomodoro

Shifa Ellah
2 min readAug 21, 2020

In this week, I took final exams of my university. During my preparation, I had practiced the technique of Pomodoro. The results were incredible. I studied twenty-one mints, then took rest, again busy in preparation and so on. It worked. I felt more relax and my mind did more work than my daily. My brain worked more focused and ready to learn more. When I sat again for studying, i did not feel that I left it before few mints. I felt fresh and learn without any burden and pressure.

After doing it. I have decided to use this technique in my daily life works. And it is worked in every situation. Then, I discussed with my friends. They were also delight to practice it.

Yeah! It was difficult for all of us because we did not spend an hour without our phones. There was the reason that why we practiced it and loved it. We did not focus on exams preparation and we were texting each other. Then, I practiced it and told about my friends. After four hours and continuously repeat this technique, we had completed our preparation.

